Tuesday, December 1, 2009

End of the Earth As We Knew It (according to scientists)

Why would a group of highly educated, highly respected English scientists lie to the whole world about Global Warming temperatures?

They succumbed to basic human motives that have been with us since the First Day; Greed and Power.

As this international scandal unravels we find a huge money making scheme with what appears so far to involve the United Nations and a secretive group of British scientists.

They are using a generation of our fear and guilt about how we thought we were "killing our Planet" as "Global Warming" data showed we were headed to our doom.

Now it looks like the IPCC, which was set up by the U.N. itself has been forging numbers in order to get nations to sign off on the "Cap and Trade" agreements that fire up the Carbon Credit cash machine. Read the story in jacosun.com

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