Thursday, December 10, 2009


The strange spiral lights seen above the Oslo, Norway sky this week may eventually be displayed over the Vulcan Poas, here in Costa Rica, if Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez continues his military buildup countering the threat he perceives from the strengthening Columbian/U.S. BFF relationship.

The strange spiral lights in the Norwegian night sky were first thought to be a natural phenomenon, perhaps some speculated, a positive celestial sign of approval to accentuate the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony for Barack Obama.
The actual reason for the lights, however do send the world a message---a message of darkness, evil and violence. As it turns out, the beautiful glowing spiral was caused by a failed missile launch by our old friends from Russia.

Ironically, this attempted show of military might comes just after President Obama canceled the George Bush era Central European missile shield last November. This no doubt sent the now independent former Soviet bloc countries into serious flashbacks of Russian tanks and brigades of AK-47 wielding soldiers crushing their world with an iron fist.

So, as a message to the world, to the Russian home audience and directly to the silver tongued Chicago Political Organizer in his moment of international recognition, the Bat Signal was sent into the sky, alerting the world that Russia is now engaged in reclaiming their Yard Bully Status.

The bitter fruits of a weak leader are already sprouting from the kumbaya seeds that were planted with good intent by a man who wants “us all to just get along” and whose enemies are of the domestic type like Insurance companies, the U.S. military, big business and Republicans.

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